Introduction to Institute Distinctiveness: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Culture
The very name of the Institute carries the word Research, the same naturally appears in the Vision and Mission of the Institute. The thrust area of the Institute, besides strong academics, has always been Research, Innovation, Publications, Patents, Copyrights, in general, Intellectual Property (IP). The aim of PCCOE&R is to evolve as a Research and Innovation Institute; with major focus on publications, IP and technology transfer. The Institute is taking exhaustive efforts to cultivate research and innovation culture among staff, faculty, students and even outsiders. It is the vision of Government of India to become a $5 trillion economy soon. Generation of wealth through innovation and Intellectual Property Right (IPR) plays an important role to achieve this goal. Countries like China, USA, South Korea have improved their economy by amassing wealth through IP. The philosophy and workings of PCCOE&R are in-line with the Vision of the Government and it is making its own humble contribution in the Mission of our Nation.
- Session on Intellectual Property (IP) is conducted during Induction Programme for First Year and Direct Second Year lateral entry students.
- A programme titled Vidya to Laxmi (Creation of Wealth through Intellect) is conducted to educate attendees about IPR.
- In-house expert faculty and Principal take training sessions on IPR for faculty and staff.
- Students continuously receive inputs from faculty regarding innovation and IPR during lecture/tutorial/practical.
- All students are motivated to learn about IPR and its processing.
- To inculcate the zeal for research and innovation, students are trained using Project Based Learning (PBL) from First Year to last year.
- Students are encouraged to take up innovation based and live projects.
- Quality and potential concepts of PBL are promoted to be applied as patents.
- Filing an IP is an important criterion in annual appraisal of an employee.
- Institute provides financial sponsorship for filing IPR like patent, copyright, etc.
Special attention and efforts/activities are taken in PCCOE&R to inculcate IP culture, some of which are enlisted below
- Create awareness about IP and IPR among students, faculty, staff and society.
- Motivate research and innovation among students and to create innovative attitude, skills and mindset.
- Teach students about IP details like prior art.
- Promote start-ups and entrepreneurship in students and faculty.
- Help in providing technological solutions to real life societal problems.
- Provide IP related services and to become a center of technology transfer.
- Improve overall quality of teaching-learning and education.
- Provide solution to realistic problems using technology transfer.
Objectives of IPR Cell
The main objective of IPR Cell is to create an environment conducive to innovation, convert innovation into IPR and finally bridge the gap between inventor and investor in view of technology transfer. The objectives may be summarized as :
- Identify a problem.
- Think innovatively.
- Convert an idea into a concept/product.
- Carry out prior art.
- File an IP, design patent or copyright.
- Explore funding opportunities.
- Initiate the technology transfer.
- Number of Copyrights filed: 206.
- Number of Patents filed: 333.
- Design patents filed: 25.
- Quality of projects is improved which has led to CO-PO attainment.
- Institute is recognized as Maximum-IP-Filling-Institute in the vicinity.
- World record of filing 38 patents in a single day by lady faculty members.
- World record of filing 149 copyrights in a single day by faculty and staff members.
- World record of filing 14 patents in a single day by Principal.
- World record of filing 75 patents in a single day by faculty, students and staff members of the Institute to honor and celebrate the Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav.
- 10 investors have been counseled by PCCOE&R for filing IP.
- Culture of IP is so thoroughly percolated in PCCOE&R that many non-teaching staff members and a group of house-keeping staff have filed patents.
Institute Policies and Support to Promote IP
Institute has an independent Innovation Cell having representation of all Departments including FE, through which students and faculty are encouraged to file a copyright/patent/trademark on the concept/product/design/software developed. Exhaustive technical and financial support is given to file that IP. To instill the IP culture, the Institute has formulated several policies. Students are encouraged to identify societal problems, fetch sponsored projects and propose an innovative solution for the same. Emphasis is given on inter-disciplinary innovative projects. Students have 24×7 access to the laboratories, concept rooms and innovation cell to work on projects. They are given financial support to purchase necessary material, equipment, software and also for training, traveling, etc. A plagiarism check is mandatory for the project reports submitted by the students.
Special sessions conducted by IP experts are organized for faculty and students to understand intricacies in patents, copyrights, startups. The attendees of these sessions gain following know How to
Every year, PCCOE&R organizes a one-of-its-kind National Conference called Conference on IP, Patents, Copyrights, Innovations and Startups (CIPCIS) with the objective to bring inventors and investors on a common platform for exchange of ideas and commercialization of IPs. CIPCIS was organized last two consecutive years in online-offline hybrid mode. CIPCIS2019 was blessed by the Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra His Highness Mr. Bhagatsingh Koshyari as Chief Guest and Hon’ble Dr. Jayant Naralikar. The conferences showcased presentation of more than 600 patents, 200 copyrights and 20 startups, which were assessed by more than 200 industrialists.
PCCOE&R has its own Incubation Center. Students are encouraged to initiate their own startup. They are provided with computational facilities, space, finance and guidance. This support continues even after the student has graduated from the Institute. Principal and Faculty members of PCCOE&R act as Resource Persons for IP related Conferences/Seminars and disseminate their know-how. Institute offers IP consultancy services and assists in commercialization of the invention. Impacts & Achievements:
Following impacts/achievements of the consistent efforts about IP related initiatives
are observed
(thorough details given in attached documents);